Cryosphere Podcast
The Cryosphere podcast (formerly the Cryonics Underground Podcast) explores the fascinating and underappreciated world of Cryonics - the process of pausing your biological functions at the moment of legal death with the goal of reviving you in the future. Join us for in-depth discussions on the scientific, social, philosophical, technological, and political implications of this unique and extraordinary experiment. Featuring leaders in the Cryonics industry alongside futurists, philosophers, scientists, and many others. Get ready to travel on this remarkable journey with us. And remember, it could literally save your life!
Cryosphere Podcast
Ralph Merkle - On Nanotech & Manipulating the Microcosmos
In this episode Max and Daniel speak with the venerable Ralph Merkle. Among his numerous achievements Ralph is the leading expert on nanotechnology, the inventor of cryptographic hashing and the co-inventor of public key cryptography. He is currently a board member at Alcor.
In today's episode we discuss:
- What is Molecular Nanotechnology?
- How do different people use the phrase "Nano-Tech"
- The use cases for medical nanobots
- How we manipulate the world at the nano scale
- What are the more difficult molecules to work with?
- The intersection of Cryonics and nanotech
- Ralph Merkle's relationship with Cryonics
- Ralph's views on other scientific fields
- Ralphs opinions on cryptocurrency and Bitcoin
- Is Ralph Merkle actually Satoshi Nakamoto?
And much more...
As always, you can find Max and Daniel over at the Cryonics Underground Channel in the Cryosphere Cryonics discord chat server.
The Cryonics Underground podcast Is hiring! We're looking for a great audio engineer. Details here.
- Cryostasis Revival by Robert A. Freitas JR https://www.alcor.org/docs/CryostasisRevivalV2.11.pdf
- http://www.merkle.com/
- Nanofactory Example
- Nanotechnology & Cryonics - Preserving ourselves for the future
- The Scale of the Universe - A simulation to understand just how big (and small) things are.