Cryosphere Podcast
The Cryosphere podcast (formerly the Cryonics Underground Podcast) explores the fascinating and underappreciated world of Cryonics - the process of pausing your biological functions at the moment of legal death with the goal of reviving you in the future. Join us for in-depth discussions on the scientific, social, philosophical, technological, and political implications of this unique and extraordinary experiment. Featuring leaders in the Cryonics industry alongside futurists, philosophers, scientists, and many others. Get ready to travel on this remarkable journey with us. And remember, it could literally save your life!
Cryosphere Podcast
Nikki Olson - On Life Monitoring Devices
In this episode Max and Daniel speak with Nikki Olson. Nikki is a writer and researcher in the field of futurism and trans-humanist topics and she is currently working as a software engineer. She is one of the worlds top experts in the field of life monitoring as it pertains to Cryonics.
In today's conversation we discuss:
- Nikki's journey to becoming interested in Cryonics
- How Nikki decided life monitoring was an issue that needed to be solved
- The current devices and software available on the market
- What differentiates a traditional life monitoring device from ones that could be used for Cryonicists
- The challenges in retrofitting current devices such as the Fit Bit or Apple Watch for specialized purposes
- The possibilities of open source software for creating a useful product
- The pitfalls of life monitoring alarms and false readings
And much more...
As always, you can find us over at the Cryonics Underground Channel in the Cryosphere Cryonics discord chat server. You can also reach us directly by email at cryonicsunderground [at] the email service provided by everyone's favorite search company.