Cryosphere Podcast
The Cryosphere podcast (formerly the Cryonics Underground Podcast) explores the fascinating and underappreciated world of Cryonics - the process of pausing your biological functions at the moment of legal death with the goal of reviving you in the future. Join us for in-depth discussions on the scientific, social, philosophical, technological, and political implications of this unique and extraordinary experiment. Featuring leaders in the Cryonics industry alongside futurists, philosophers, scientists, and many others. Get ready to travel on this remarkable journey with us. And remember, it could literally save your life!
32 episodes
Dan Held - Rethinking the Vision of Cryonics
In this episode of The Cryosphere podcast, hosts Max Marty and Rebecca Ziegler welcome Dan Held—a serial crypto entrepreneur and Bitcoin educator with over 850,000 followers on social media. As a General Partner at Asymmetric and former Head of...
Season 1
Episode 31

Update Episode: The Global Cryonics Summit in Miami
*(edit) We are officially sold out, but you can still add your email at the bottom of the website to get updates about future events. In this quick update episode, Max and Daniel take a break from their usual guest format to updat...

John Smart - Alternative Methods of Brain Preservation
Important Note! Join your hosts Max and Daniel, plus luminaries from across the Cryonics industry, at the upcoming Global Cryonics Summit on July 20-21st in Miami, Florida. Go to globalc...
Episode 30

Update Episode: Milestones and Upcoming Events
In this brief update episode, Max and Daniel take a break from their usual guest format to share some exciting announcements and milestones.In this update episode, we discuss:Cryosphere's Growth: Celebrating the big ac...
Episode 29

James Arrowood - New Leadership and New Directions at Alcor
In this episode, Max and Daniel are joined by James Arrowood, Alcor's new CO-CEO. Our wide-ranging conversation delves into James's approach to leadership, his views on Alcor as a business and several of his upcoming strategic initiati...
Episode 28

Michael Benjamin - Intriguing Outcomes of Alcor's Meta-Analysis
In this episode, Max and Daniel sit down with Michael Benjamin to discuss his meta-analysis of Alcor's case history. He is working on a comprehensive meta-analysis of all Alcor patient cases, an endeavor whose goal is to develop, experimentally...
Episode 27

Aubrey de Grey - Bridging the Gap between Cryonics and Life Extension
In this episode, Max and Daniel sit down with the renowned Aubrey de Grey to discuss the connection between life extension and cryonics. They cover a wide range of topics, diving into the latest breakthroughs and obstacles in both fields.
Episode 26

Rebecca Ziegler - Tomorrow Bio Sets Sail for the New World
In this episode we’re speaking with Rebecca Ziegler - Product Manager at Tomorrow Bio, a member of the Berlin Standby Team, and the newest moderator on the Cryosphere.Why Rebecca chose business over politicsWhat it’s like t...
Episode 25

Max Marty - The Cryonics Survey of 2022
In this special episode, Max Marty is speaking with return guest host Nikki Olson about the launch of the great Cryonics Survey of 2022. The Cryonics Survey is a large comprehensive survey of Cryonicists, the Cryocurious, and Cryocrastinators; ...
Episode 24

Kai Micah Mills - Why Pet Cryonics Matters
In this episode Max and Daniel speak with Kai Micah Mills. Kai is the Founder of Cryopets, the first company focused on pet cryopreservation. Before founding Cryopets, Kai founded and ran several entrepreneurial ventures the tech space.
Episode 23

Carrie Radomski - Reshaping Cryonics in Canada
In this episode Max and Daniel speak with Carrie Radomski, President & Board Member of the Lifespan Society of British Columbia.Carrie is a geoscientist, writer, artist, crypto enthusiast, gold explorer (yes, the kind that goes looki...
Episode 22

Bonus Episode: The Cryosphere Roundtable
To celebrate coming back from our short hiatus, today we bring you our first bonus episode! This is the audio version of the new cryonics YouTube series: The Cryosphere Roundtable.
Episode 21

Robin Hanson - Conformity & Cryonics (+ Guest Host Nikki Olson)
On this episode of the podcast, Max is joined by special guest host and previous guest, Nikki Olson.For the first time, we're are also publishing the video of our full conversation over on Youtube! You can find it at :
Episode 20

Patrick Harris - Leading Alcor's Evolution
In this episode, Max and Daniel speak with Patrick Harris, the CEO and President of Alcor. Patrick is speaking with us today on several major new initiatives he's been working on over the past several months. We'll be doing both a reveal of Pat...
Episode 19

Ralph Merkle - On Nanotech & Manipulating the Microcosmos
In this episode Max and Daniel speak with the venerable Ralph Merkle. Among his numerous achievements Ralph is the leading expert on nanotechnology, the inventor of cryptographic hashing and the co-inventor of public key cryptography. He is cur...
Episode 18

Ben Best - Legendary Cryonics Polymath
In this episode, Max and Daniel speak with the legendary Ben Best. Among the numerous cryonics and life extension groups he has been associated with over the years, Ben is most known for being the former president of the Cryonics Institute from...
Episode 17

Lisa Harris - Trusting in Trusts
In this episode Max and Daniel speak with Lisa Harris. Lisa is an Alcor member and an advisor to the board of directors. She is also on Alcor's legal and regulatory committee as well as the research and development committee. Lisa has a b...
Episode 16

Eric Vogt - The ICEman Cometh
In this episode Max and Daniel speak with Eric Vogt. Eric is a veteran paramedic, a pilot and one of the two co-founders of I.C.E. - International Cryomedicine Experts. I.C.E is a highly experienced standby, stabilization and transportation com...
Episode 15

Gennady Stolyarov II - Transhumanism, a Philosophy for the Future
Gennady Stolyarov II (G. Stolyarov II) became the second Chairman in the history of the Transhumanist Party in November 2016. Mr. Stolyarov is an actuary, independent philosophical essayist, science-fiction novelist, poet, amateur ...
Episode 14

Joseph Kowalsky - on Faith and Cryonics
Joseph Kowalsky is a long-time Cryonicist and Officer at the Cryonics’s Institute’s leadership team. Joseph is also a financial consultant and has spoken publicly on behalf of Cryonics at various events in the past. Joseph is leading the fight ...
Episode 13

Nikki Olson - On Life Monitoring Devices
In this episode Max and Daniel speak with Nikki Olson. Nikki is a writer and researcher in the field of futurism and trans-humanist topics and she is currently working as a software engineer. She is one of the worlds top experts in the field of...
Episode 12

Chris Gillett- Surveying Public Sentiment
In this episode we speak with Chris Gillett. Chris worked alongside Emil Kendziorra from EBF and Tomorrow Biostasis to conduct a survey of the public's sentiments towards Cryonics. In this episode we will cover the surprising results of t...
Episode 11

Peter Tsolakides - Cryonics in the Land Down Under
In this episode Max and Daniel speak with Peter Tsolakides. Peter is the founder, director and chairman of Southern Cryonics- the first and only Cryonics organization in Australia. In the past, Peter held senior management roles in a maj...
Episode 10

Aaron Drake - Lessons from the Frontlines and Far East
In this episode Max and Daniel speak with Aaron Drake. Aaron is the Director of Research and Chief Specialist at the Yinfeng Institute for Biological Sciences, based in Shandong, China. He previously worked as a Senior Medical Response Consulta...
Episode 9

Emil Kendziorra - The Pragmatic Cryonicist (Part 2)
This is our second episode with Emil Kendziorra. Emil is the founder of Tomorrow Biostasis and the European Biostasis Foundation, two new Cryonics service organizations that have started up in Europe. This is part two of a two part...
Episode 8